18 private member bills related to setting up new universities landed in NA

ISLAMABAD, Jul 27 (APP): As many as 18 private members bills related to setting up new universities and educational institutions in various districts of the country were introduced in the National Assembly on Thursday.

These bills include the the University of Shaheed Benzair Bhutto (USBB) Bill, 2023, the Institute of Health and Professional Studies (IHPS) Bill, 2023, the Sheikhupura Institute of Advance Sciences (SIAS) Bill, 2023, the Cosmic Institute of Science and Technologies Islamabad (CISTI) Bill, 2023, the Bulleh Shah International University Bill, 2023, the Ravi Institute (RI) Bill, 2023, the International Islamic Institute for Peace (IIIP) Bill, 2023, the Shah Bano Institute, Jaranwala Bill, 2023, the Institute of Taxation Bill, 2023, the International Memon University Bill, 2023, the Ume Abeeha Institute of Health Sciences (UIHS) Bill, 2023, the Mufti-e-Azam Islamic University Bill, 2023, the Kalam Bibi International Women Institute Bannu (Amendment) Bill, 2023, the Islamabad International University Bill, 2023, the Pakistan Points of Entry (Public Health) Bill, 2023, the Islamabad Institute of Modern Sciences (IIMS) Bill, 2023, the al-Biruni International University Bill, 2023 and the National University of Health Emerging Sciences and Technologies, Islamabad Bill, 2023.

The bills were introduced by Nawab Sher, Dr Zulfiqar Ali Bhatti, Choushary Faqir Ahmad, Kesoo Mal Kheeal Das, Wajiha Qamar, Qaiser Ahmed Sheikh, Aliya Kamran and Tahira Aurangzeb etc.

Speaker National Assembly Raja Pervaiz Ashraf referred all the bills to the concerned standing
committees for further deliberation after non-opposing by the treasury benches.